
Command-line e-mail client + news reader (org.dyndns.hvkls.mutt) // configuration 

This ‘fat’ build of the Mutt Mail User Agent (MUA) supports IMAP, POP, SSL, GPG, SMIME, SMTP, Header Caches, Compressed Folders (support dropped in 1.5.20), and is also patched to support NNTP, so it can act as a simple news-reader. Patches (Vsevolod Volkov):

  • vvv.initials
  • vvv.nntp Patches (Roland Rosenfeld):

  • rr.compressed patch (support dropped in 1.5.20) Patches:

  • //compose.c
    < HDR_ATTACH = (HDR_FCC + 5) /* where to start printing the attachments */

    > HDR_ATTACH = (HDR_FCC + 0) /* where to start printing the attachments */
    < #define HDR_XOFFSET 14
    < #define TITLE_FMT “%14s” /* Used for Prompts which are ASCII */

    > #define HDR_XOFFSET 10
    > #define TITLE_FMT “%10s” /* Used for Prompts which are ASCII */

Version History

  • 1.5.23+nntp-4 Fixed typo in package description
  • 1.5.23+nntp-3 Added dependency to org.dyndns.hvkls.repository

Mutt Setup Hints

  • # Adapt to small display
    set compose_format=”Compose: %l Atts: %a”
    set folder_format=”%f %s %d”
    set index_format=”%2M%Z%[%m%d] %-3.3I %s”
    set narrow_tree=yes
    set pager_index_lines=0
    set ignore_linear_white_space=yes
  • # Use the <space> and <backspace> keys to scroll line-wise, <Ctrl f> and <Ctrl b> to scroll page-wise
    bind compose <backspace> previous-entry
    bind compose <space> next-entry
    bind compose \cb previous-page
    bind compose \cf next-page
    bind alias <backspace> previous-entry
    bind alias <space> next-entry
    bind alias \cb previous-page
    bind alias \cf next-page
    bind browser <backspace> previous-entry
    bind browser <space> next-entry
    bind browser \cb previous-page
    bind browser \cf next-page
    bind index <backspace> previous-entry
    bind index <space> next-entry
    bind index \cb previous-page
    bind index \cf next-page
    bind postpone <backspace> previous-entry
    bind postpone <space> next-entry
    bind postpone \cb previous-page
    bind postpone \cf next-page
  • # Headers
    ignore *
    unignore from: date: subject: to: cc: reply-to: x-mailing-list:
    unhdr_order *
    hdr_order Sender: From From: Reply-To: Subject: Newsgroups: Organization: Date: Message-Id: To: Cc: X-Resent Followup-To: Mail-Followup-To: In-Reply-To: X-Mailing-List User-Agent: X-Editor: X-Mailer: X-Newsreader: X-Agent: X-Face: X- Accept-Language:
  • # Vim as the message editor
    set editor=”vim -c’set syn=mail tw=69 nosta sts=0 ts=2 et ls=0 noru sbr= noshowcmd statusline=’ -c’:silent! :norm GO'”
  • # esmtp with logging
    set sendmail=”/usr/local/bin/esmtp -X $HOME/esmtp.log
  • # Printing
    print_command=”tlpr -“
  • # simulate the old url menu (<Ctrl b> calls urlview)
    macro index \cb “|urlview\n” ‘Extract Links (call urlview to extract URLs out of a message)'”
    macro pager \cb “|urlview\n” ‘Extract Links (call urlview to extract URLs out of a message)’
  • # Gmail mutt Setup (thanks Jean Christophe)
    set imap_user=””
    set imap_pass=”password”
    set spoolfile=”imaps://”
    set folder=”imaps://″
    set postponed=”+[Gmail]/Drafts”
    set copy=no
    set certificate_file=”~/.mutt/certificates

Gmail Setup

  • mkdir -p ~/.authenticate ~/.mutt/certificates
    chmod 0700 ~/.authenticate ~/.mutt/certificates
    cd /tmp
    wget –no-check-certificate
    mv Thawte\ SSLWeb\ Server\ Roots/thawte\ Premium\ Server\ CA/Thawte\ Premium\ Server\ CA.pem ~/.authenticate/ca.pem
    echo ‘identity =
    hostname =
    username = “”
    password = “password”
    starttls = required’ > ~/.esmtprc
    chmod 0600 /var/root/.authenticate/ca.pem ~/.esmtprc

Esmtp Setup hints

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